Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Farm Log books and Certification

Daily activity, Inputs stock, production/yield details and other related log books are maintained in the farm which needs to comply for audit requirement. The Farm is registered to TNOCD ( Tamilnadu Organic Certification Department, India) from, the year 2009 and the registration no is TNO (F) 101.  The farm is under conversation period and will be getting Status Certification this year.

Organic Certificate 2012 - 13

Technics and Inputs used at Sankarfoods Organic Farm

 Local Desi Cows are maintained in the farm to utilize its urine and dung in the farm
Cow urine is collected in the tank and it is pumped to field regularly along with irrigation water

The Magnetic Water Conditioner is made up of neodymium rare earth magnets of N40 grade to create a high magnetic flux field perpendicular to the direction of the water flow in the pipe line to alter the hardness causing mineral structure
.Pressure gauge and Pressure switch to monitor and control the water pressure in pipeline
 Vermi compost is prepared and used in the field and if required additionally and thus will be sourced from the suppliers
 Mulching is done around the coconut trees and water is sprinkled around
Drip irrigation is followed in the farm

Micro drippers for the ornamental plants in the farm
 Fish solution
Egg solution

Instrumental music is played for 10 - 12 hrs in a day in the farm as the music may
speed up protoplasmic movement in plant cells
110days crop - oct 2011